Friendship to cherish and admire!
When a door close, the walls hear to give you back the path of friendship you longed for!
Dear Sriram,
It's always a pleasure to be around a set of people where you can just be you! You can be brilliant, silly, childish, mature, innocent, or angry! The emotions expressed go unfiltered and you just can be sure, no matter what, it's your people! :)
One of the most inspiring people who give respect to even little things that could impact one’s life, those people are precious in this world. Where to start? I feel at home! I feel cared for! I feel like a younger sister! I feel the bestest bestest friend beside me! I feel amazing support! I visualize the world of aerodynamics in the words and facts from you! I envision who am with the affirmations from you! All these possessive nouns of ‘I’- the reason behind is ‘You’~!
AERODYNAMICS! FLUID MECHANICS! I came to know these are not subjects, these mean world to you! The love towards education is par from job, everyday work and so on! It's passion and knowledge! Which is valuable! I pray that the future generation learns from you! To be honest, I love what I learn now much much more than before! What else a friend could ask for!!
A girl in your gang is the luckiest person I could say! She could sense a friend, brother, father, and even a more compassionate human being!
I have been at my low many times, the moment I say ‘I don't know, you turn that into ‘You know sangee — paathuakalam’ that turns the table for me.
An amazing ride of friendship that started very late here in Syracuse, but I don't regret not meeting sooner! You guys have come into my life at the right time! Especially the affection and the care you show towards me!
The best birthday I had because of you!, to the best birthday you are going to celebrate :), I am short of words, and tears roll in my eyes when I think god shows me the best people at the best time!
I pray each and every day that your aspirations are going to take you to the highest of heights. Its taking a patience toll, but trust me! I boast that my friend is the best engineer the industry can get!
Certain friends, though we fight, we are together dawn and dusk, good and bad, high and low, laughter and cry!
I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful friend like you! I wish to travel on this beautiful, affectionate journey as your dear sangee, dear friend, dear sister.
Whatever it may be! You say “sangee”. I will be right there for you always! Seeing you being happy in the zone of your learnings, passion, wonderful to watch! I wish to see that happiness throughout your life!
Much much respect and care for you :) You will get that job you love, you will get the life you dream about, and you will continue to be the best and most humble person as you are! ❤ ❤
Sriram — CFD Engineer and above all best human !!!!
Your dear Sangee!!!